cut above the rest

Monday, January 30, 2006

did god make a mistake?????

Used to think that god made a mistake ( sorry abt this) in giving man the responsibility of bearing children and bringing them up. Till recently, when I saw my brother's wife and her kid at close quarters.
I realised that God has brilliantly structured a fabulous lesson in patience, selflessness and unconditional love in the same exercise all at once.
I was always pessimistic about the fractured families and the utter mess that each and every person seems at any stage and every stage. The recent exposure changed my views and am I thrilled abt it????
It was so selfless that she decided against eating what she wanted to eat and just had the leftovers of her son's choice of food. She was also relating that she cld no longer go to any place of her choice, for her son wld be the priority at all times and the place wld have to be chosen keeping her son in mind.
And mind u she was not complaining.
She did all this out of love for her son. she is an M.B.A. who has sacrificed her career to take care of her son.
I realise this to be the case of all parents--- Urs and Mine too. 3 cheers to them.
I hope and pray god rewards their service in bringing us all up and of course the future generation too.
At the same time I also realise that it is not a bed of roses and the path is sprinkled with thorns but that shouldn't keep us from doing what we r supposed to do as parents and even reciprocate to our level best as children to such parents.


the name of this blogspot

Have been wondering about the name of this blogspot. Wonder if it puts people off and thus resulting in no comments. Wonder whether people make an arrogant brat of me???
It is nowhere near that. This has been named thus, more with a sense of nostalgia rather than with a sense of pride. My DAD who died around thirteen years back used this phrase often and all of us used to burst out laughing. I was even teased by my friends on the same grounds.
It is to bring back the memories of my DAD that I have used this name. It brings back memories of joy and fun whenever I use this phrase.
Nothing more and nothing less.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

26 jan 2005

On 26 January 1950 the Constitution of India was framed after having gotten its Independence from the hands of Britishers on the 15 of August 1947. This day of 26 January is celebrated as the Republic Day in India. It is a national holiday.
A national parade is conducted in New Delhi, to show the country's military prowess and its cultural diversity on a united platform ,by all the States of India for the benefit of the citizens of India and of course for Whoever Else cares to watch.
This year the King of Saudi, King Abdullah is the honoured Chief Guest. Quite a few expect, development in trade and bilateral relationship with Saudi Arabia. And the King of Saudi expects improvement of relationship with India as well as Pakistan. It needs to be seen as to how the whole thing is going to work out.
There r lot of interesting programmes in the local channels on television today and quite a range of the patriotic Bollywood movies on the Hindi channels.
As for me I have been blogging and driving around. Life is fun and am also expecting some interesting guests in the evening. Will be busy for the next 3 days especially with a cute nephew of mine.
So wish u all a very happy day too and a word..........LIVE LIFE KING-SIZE.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Ain't I Cute ?????

the me myself and mine syndrome

Am worried about the selfishness that is rampant in the society today----- the ME MYSELF MINE syndrome. Especially the huge number of old age homes that r sprouting all over the country today.
Of course it wld be very different in other countries I suppose. But in India this is a trend towards the worse.
People here r used to living in joint families. If not anybody else, atleast the parents stay in the son's house. Today people regard their own parents as a burden.
Are they not being used and thrown away and of course everybody has a damn excuse to do the same. How disgusting can it ever get? And can such sons be trusted in other relationships? What happens to their children, if at all they r selfless enough to have any? And their intelligent wives who r the reason most of the long wld it take for such sons to even divorce them? THINK OVER.
Another fashion is to work abroad to earn money for their wife and children??? R they not their parents' children? Then why have they been sent to old age homes or to the care of servants ? IS IT FOR THE SIN OF BEARING THEM AND MAKING THEM INTO FULLY GROWN INDIVIDUALS..... BRAINLESS and HEARTLESS THOUGH ?????

Sunday, January 22, 2006

live as though there were a no tomorrow

just returning from a lousy hindi movie infact midway. when i think of hindi movies i associate it with good looking guys and gals and some lovely music.
my all time favourite hindi song is the title song from the movie muqadar ka sikandar featuring the great bollywod icon AMITABH BACHAN .
zindagi to bewafa hai ek din tukraegi
mouth mehaboba hai saath lekar jayegi
zindagi ki e ada jo duniya ko siklayega
woh muqadar ka sikandar janeman kehlayega

which is to say that life will leave u midway, death is the only constant which wld take u along with it . he who realises this wins over destiny .this implies that it is imperative to live as though that this were ur last day on the earth .........meaning.........SETTING PRIORITIES RIGHT.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

a silver lining

Been contemplating on the sufferings of man. Realise that it is because of our own doing. As we sow so we reap. But even in that I find a silver lining. Inspite of ourselves, we r given the grace to handle things. We don't really get what we deserve. God in his highest mercy is very kind to us and is careful enough not to send things our way that r a little too much for us to handle. Also we might set our limits at something but god is the only one who knows exactly as to our burden- bearing capabilities.
Of course with regard to our blessings he is neither stringent nor partial. He definitely gives us more than what we deserve.