cut above the rest

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

children learn what they live with

If a child lives with criticism, He learns to condemn; If a child lives with hostility, He learns to fight;
If a child lives with ridicule, He learns to be shy; If a child lives with shame, He learns to be guilty;
If a child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient; If a child lives with encouragement, He learns to be confident;
If a child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate; If a child lives with fairness, He learns justice;
If a child lives with security, He learns to have faith; If a child lives with approval, He learns to like himself;
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world.


  • wow .. Golden advice for any parent!

    I can really relate those phrases to my current securities and insecurities.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:35 AM  

  • Glad that it helped.

    By Blogger rowdyrascal, at 6:44 AM  

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